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Statistics - Geodata - OpenData

Labor market

The number of employees in Gera as a place of work was 38,247 on June 30, 2023, 42% of whom commuted to Gera. Most of the workforce is employed in the economic sector "Public and other service providers, education and health". An average of 4,127 men and women were unemployed in 2023. This corresponds to a rate of 9.1 %.

Employees and gainfully employed persons

Unemployment set

(Kopie 1)

Statistics - Geodata - OpenData

[Translate to Englisch:] StatistikPopulation

[Translate to Englisch:] Die Bevölkerungsstatistik liefert Daten über Zahl und Struktur der Geraer Bevölkerung sowie deren kurz- und langfristige Entwicklung.

statisticsTourism - Culture - Leisure - Sport

[Translate to Englisch:] Die Statistik aus dem Bereich Tourismus, Kultur, Freizeit, Sport zeigt die Entwicklung von Besucher- und Mitgliederzahlen.

Statistics and Geoinformation Department

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Statistical information